


Our children are spiralic beings and so are we. Thus parenthood is not a linear process. When we surrender to and embrace the highs and lows, things become a little easier. Let's be gentle with ourselves.

As you probably learned through pregnancy and during birth, things tend to unfold how they will, often with little consideration for the careful plans we've made. Parenthood happens fast and it can be hard to find your bearings. It can leave us feeling unprepared, out of sorts and physically and emotionally overextended; even for those of us who dove into every book and class with gusto. It is no small task to meet the biggest role of our lives as our best selves, immediately following the most challenging and spirituality expansive experience of our lives with birth. It is a lot to ask. Compassion for ourselves is key.

What would it look like if we took each moment as it arrived, as we are, trusting that we are the parent our baby needs?

What would it feel like to take it one day (and night) at a time for what it is; instead of expecting the process to be progressively easier?

What your baby does one day can be vastly different from the next and this is natural. They are figuring it all out too. I am here to give you a moment to catch your breath, recenter and find your intuitive self as a parent. Through all the questions you find yourself sitting with, below them buried a little deeper, rest your answers. It's all there already. You know what is best for you and your family. It is my hope to gently brush away some of the self doubt, allowing you to access those answers and grow freely into the incredible caregiver you inherently are.



My name is Amy Townes Booth (she/her) and I am a mother, an artist, an intuitive and a friend. I carry with me all that I have learned through my years as a parent to a magical and wise little girl, my personal experience with postpartum depression and my formal training as a Postpartum Doula. One of the reasons I am called to this work is that it fills a void in our current society. Generations ago we would have learned what we needed to know from the wise ones in our community. They would have guided, supported and cared for the parent as well as the baby and held new life in all its forms; building firm foundations for us as new caregivers. In my work, I call upon this loving past and do my best to bring it forward to our times.

The privilege of caring for new life is immense and gives me a sense of peace. Witnessing and nurturing the tender time of transition for parents is magical. I love this work. Being invited into the homes and lives of my clients is an honor and I recognize the depth of trust that is placed in me as your doula.

I am personally committed to Reproductive Justice and anti-racism. This involves acknowledging my own faults as a white identifying person and making an honest effort to improve through on-going anti-racist and implicit bias training, and doing my personal work to reduce harm and deconstruct white supremacy. A portion of my monthly earnings go toward a range of organizations run by and that uplift BI&POC communities.

With this in mind: I know I am not for everyone, and I want every birthing person to find that magical doula who they feel seen and held by. If you are looking for a doula of color who can support you in birth and or postpartum time, do not hesitate to contact me for recommendations.

I am fully vaccinated and will continue to wear a mask and take safety precautions in everyday life and in client’s homes.

As a doula, I do not provide medical advice, rather a non-judgemental ear and a guiding hand.

“Amy's intuition and tranquility was my grounding rock. Her company was my sanity in time of so much isolation, and all the feels and uncertainty of new parenting. She calmly reassured me I was doing great, and her words were what kept me going through the blurry first days and weeks . . . On a personal note, Amy was present for me and her company brought sanity, great conversation, guidance and a great laugh.”

-Des B.

“Amy was incredible with our daughter and her overall manner was reassuring and peaceful and calm. I would recommend her to any family! We feel lucky to have worked with her!”

-Laura W.



I am not accepting new clients at this time.

New Parent Tarot Readings - $35


Shortly after giving birth to my daughter I was gifted a tarot deck by a beautiful friend. What a profound gift this ended up being. Through tarot, I was able to sort through the confusion of my new life as a parent and come to terms with the version of myself that I was releasing, and the one that was waiting for me. I eventually found my incredible teacher, Lindsay Mack and was introduced to her thoughtful way of working with the cards as a source of comfort and healing known as Soul Tarot. This way of working with the cards provides a clear perspective on the present moment. Each card brings with it an invitation to direct our attention toward a particular aspect of our lives and can bring about a sense of clarity and confidence when things are feeling uncertain or particularly hard. My readings are compassionate, loving and never based in fear.

I have found that given the nature of the day to day of being a new parent, this offering tends to work best via email rather than a traditionally scheduled in-person reading. It’s also nice to have it all down in writing so you can revisit it any time you like, and to keep as a snapshot of who you are at this time.

To book this service, please reach out to me through my contact page.
